Sunday, June 20, 2010


Metro Station

Considering we've spent the past two days in the car, we decided today was going to be a very low-key day. So we slept until our little eyes popped open; or really, until the kids eyes popped open. Which was 9am - no complaints from David or me!

After a very relaxing morning and afternoon (went grocery shopping, had lunch at the mall across the street and an afternoon nap for Gianna and me), David decided it was time to head out for a walk. We jumped on the metro and away we went!

Here are some of the sights we saw....
The Lone Sailor
Spencer in front of the Capitol.

The Washington Monument.
The Jefferson Memorial.

Gianna decided to bring Bozo out with us.
The White House

We even stopped at Old Ebbit Grill for the children to use the bathroom. Old Ebbit Grill happens to be a rather swanky restaurant that lots of the senators can be found dining. David knew that the place would be too busy for the staff to notice him and the kids walking in to use the bathroom - and he was right!

After this "pit-stop" we were on our way back to the metro station to the apartment. We decided to stop at the playground. It was the perfect way to end a nice and lazy day!

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