Thursday, February 12, 2009

Too funny!

Fortunately for me, I don't have anyone in my life that doesn't understand what being a mom is about....maybe it's because I spend too much time relaxing...

Read and enjoy! (click on the article to enlarge)


  1. Dear Kim, You are the perfect Mom with all that you give your children~~~~~the intangible things that they need in life to make them happy, successful, self assured, and real citizens! You and David have very strong values that root children into a very changing world that is slowly loosing the vision of what this country was formed by our founding Fathers. Keep up the good work! Joy will come back to you both all your lives by the way you raise and nuture your children!!!! Yvonne K

  2. Thanks for the kind words. I'm going to print this and read it on the days when I feel like I'm doing everything wrong! :)


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