Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cabin Weekend

We spent this past weekend at our friend's cabin. I have to admit, since I'm not much of an outdoorsy girl, I had some reservations. But I knew that the kids would love it, so I had to put my feelings aside.
When we arrived on Saturday morning, I was pleased to see this was where we would be staying. Even though Breca assured me it was a house with plumbing, I kept visualizing a one room log cabin with an outhouse. I think I watched too many episodes of Grizzly Adams when I was a kid! : )
The kids and David started fishing within minutes of our arrival. I was shocked at how many fish they caught just sitting on the dock.
Here are Gemma (she quickly changed into her suit upon arrival), Joe and Spencer.
Spencer's first of many fish for the weekend.

Here is Gianna with her first fish - ever! She was so excited. And as you can see, dressed appropriately in her swim-suit and life jacket.
I just love this photo. Once Gianna found this tube, it was required wearing over her life jacket. Even when she wasn't in the water!
In the afternoon we went on the boat to take the kids tubing. A rare photo of me in a swim suit.
Gemma and daddy.
Spencer and daddy.
Gemma and Spencer having a great time in the tube. They loved it!
Gianna (in her life jacket and tube!) loved the boat ride. We tried to get her to go in the big tube with either David or me, but she had NO interest. She just wanted to ride.
I love this photo because it shows how relaxed Spencer was. He just laid back and enjoyed the ride.
Here are my precious little ones. Wind-blown and happy from the exciting ride.
Enjoying the water. Gianna's favorite place was on the shore just swimming.
Gemma relaxing in a floaty.
David and Gianna tried kayaking.
And then Spencer decided to try too.
Next was Gemma and David.
Spencer found the tube tied to the dock and decided to jump in. Can you tell he really wanted to go for another ride???
Finally I decided to kayak - it looked so fun and relaxing - and it was. We had a great weekend at the cabin and I'm so glad I didn't let my silliness ruin it for the kids or me. I have to admit, I'm still not a fan of being in a lake, but it was so nice being able to relax and enjoy being on one. I'm even looking forward to going back next year!

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