Sunday, August 1, 2010


Gemma's happy toes

I love to do girly things. Like getting my hair done and having pedicures just to name two.

However; it's hard to justify such unnecessary expenses when David is working so hard to provide for our family. So to be responsible, I use an at-home hair color (yes, I have too many grey-hairs to count) that usually runs $6.00 a box on sale. And I sometimes get a pedicure in the spring; when the weather warms and I can start wearing sandals.

Since we've been in DC I've had not one - but two pedicures. I realize to most people it's not a big deal, but I think it's especially sweet since David is the one encouraging me to do something nice for myself.

The last time I went, he suggested I bring a "friend" - so Gemma and I went and had pedicures together. She LOVED it! She kept saying her toes were "so happy"!

After we had our toes done, we walked around the mall for awhile and did some window shopping. It was so nice spending time with her - I'm looking forward to our next mother-daughter outing!

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