Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School

I just returned from taking Gemma and Spencer to school.

I cried.

All the way home.

Both kids have been talking about being nervous - which is completely normal for anyone's first day of something new. But this morning Spencer's nerves were at an all time high. The poor kid could barely eat his breakfast, which I realize isn't saying much since he is such a picky eather, but I could tell he was nervous, not being picky. We talked about how he was feeling - he said he felt like he needed to stay home. I told him his feelings were normal and that his teacher was probably nervous too. He didn't put up too much of a fight when it was time to leave, so I thought he was feeling a little better.

He was pretty quiet the whole drive. When we arrived to his class room, I unloaded his backpack - and then he unloaded the tears. He wasn't hysterical, he was just very nervous. I gave him a hug and he just held onto me and kept saying, "I don't want to stay, mommy." I kept smiling and encouraging him and telling him everything would be okay - and trying my damnest NOT to cry. While all this is going on, Gemma is waiting with Gianna and getting anxious about meeting her teacher and going to 2nd grade. Finally his teacher, Ms. Vang, saw us in the doorway and came over and worked her charm. He didn't go too willingly, but he didn't put up a fight either.

I then took Gemma to her class. She looked scared, but NOT on the verge of tears. THANK GOD! I gave her a kiss, told her to have a wonderful day and that I'd see her after school. Pretty easy.

I walked past Spencer's class one more time - I had to make sure he was okay. He was at his table spot, coloring. He saw me and I blew him a kiss. And then I left and cried. All the way home.

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