Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Lovely Day (LOTS of photos!!!)

Today the kids and I had Lunch with the Easter Bunny. (David had reserves, so unfortunately, he couldn't attend.) As soon as we arrived, I asked the kids to take a photo with the bunny. Spencer has never been a fan of anything in a costume...and I figured Gianna would be nervous, so I kept her in the stroller thinking that would make her feel more secure...take a look at her face. She didn't cry or scream - but this expression is absolutely priceless!!!! She clung to me whenever the Easter bunny was in close proximity. Obviously, she too is not a fan of the people in costume!

After traumatizing Gianna; Gemma and Spencer went bouncing....

Then they went on an egg hunt....

After our hunt, we ate lunch. Next on the list of things to do...CRAFTING! Here are Spencer and Gemma hard at work...

We ran out of time for face painting, but before leaving I needed one last photo. As you can see, my subjects were not cooperating with me. Overall, we had a great time. We were home by 1pm, Gianna went for a nap while Gemma and Spencer enjoyed a beautiful spring day playing in the yard. I couldn't have asked for a better afternoon!
On a separate note, today was my 34th birthday. David made a delicious steak dinner AND baked a yummy chocolate cake for me. The perfect way to end a perfect day!

I love you Gemma, Spencer and Gianna! Thank you for making all my days so wonderful!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Thank you, Bamma!

Gianna and I went to StrideRite today to get her first pair of sneakers. She's almost 18 months old and I've yet to purchase her real shoes. I bought these a few months ago, but they're not really appropriate for running and playing!
Gianna wasn't too crazy about the saleswoman checking out her feet!

Here she is seeing if the sneakers I chose will work for her active lifestyle!

She was peeking at me in the slide and I had to take a picture!

Now we are home and she still likes her new shoes! I have to get used to them though, they make her feet look huge....I think she's going to be stuck with big, wide feet like her mommy! Oh well, there are worse things to have!

On a totally unrelated note - I had to take a picture of the temp while we were out today....67'!!!! YEAH SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Days are Here Again!

Gianna is feeling much better today. She slept a solid 10 hours last night (I don't think she's ever done that!) and her medicine is finally doing it's thing! Sorry for the poor quality of the photos - they're from my cell phone.

I'm hoping I see lots and lots of this cute face today! If you turn her expression upside down and add lots of tears and crying, that's what I had yesterday.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mission Accomplished!

Gianna and I just returned from dropping off her "gift" to the doctor. Now I'm just waiting for the office to call with the results!
Gianna has a bladdar infection - she is now on her third medication for the month.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

At the doctor's office....again!

I have stopped counting the amount of times I've been to the doctor in the last month (for me and the kids). Needless to say, I was there again today with Gianna. Her last visit at the office resulted in the diagnosis of an ear infection. Well, she finished her medicine last week and then started running a fever this weekend. After 2 days of running hot I decided a visit to the doctor was in order.

After the doctor examined her, he said he needed to run some blood work. Her ears looked OK, and since she didn't have any cold symptoms, he wanted to check if it was viral.

Great. A blood draw.

However, it was a snap! The nurse poked her finger and Gianna never made a peep! She just watched as the nurse squeezed her little finger to collect the sample! What a trooper. (I was soooo relieved!!!) The band-aid annoyed her more than anything.

Now I need to collect a urine sample from the little princess. The doctor wants to rule out a bladdar infection. I pray it's nothing and hopefully this bug will be out of her system quickly! David and I have been very fortunate to have healthy children and I want to keep it that way.

Dentist appointment

The kids had a dentist appointment yesterday and this is the first time Gianna has been in the office as a "walker". Fortunately, she found something to help keep her busy!

By the way, it was her idea to get in the toy box, not mine!!!

Here are the patients after their exams! No cavities!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dining out

Spencer had a field trip yesterday to the Mill City Museum and David was able to attend (he will be posting pictures later!) After everyone got home from school, David had an excellent idea for dinner....let's go out! We headed over to our favorite Mexican restaurant and indulged on chips and salsa.

Cute faces! Spencer is an incredibly picky eater, however he actually likes the salsa at this restaurant. Other than french fries, it's the only way we can get him to eat a vegetable!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Naughty mommy

Little Miss Gianna was in a rather less than pleasant mood this morning. Nothing was making her happy and when it was time for breakfast, nothing seemed appetizing to her. So after four attempts with various items, I let her out of her chair and on her way for the morning.

Forty-five minutes later, we left the house to take the kids to school and then to do some grocery shopping. Once the kids jumped out of the car at school Gianna started screaming - she was hungry! What's a mom supposed to do when she failed to put any snacks in the diaper bag?

I found a snack-bag of Cheetos in the back seat.

I let my daughter eat Cheetos for breakfast.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Artist in training....

Gianna was feeling creative this morning, so we took advantage of the moment!

Apparently, Gianna felt the need to alter the paper a bit!

At last....the masterpiece is complete!