Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Thirteen

Happy anniversary, David.
I love you!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Recital Part II

Here are some photos from Gemma's recital. I took video of the ballet portion, but once I realized the lighting was so poor, I decided to just photograph the tap dance. I wasn't able to get all of my usual posed photos, but I did get a few cute ones.
Here are Gemma and Spencer before the show started. I always get a photo of them together.
Here is Gemma's cheering section. Unfortunately, I didn't catch Grandpa in this one.
Gemma's teacher even came to the show! She had told me she invited her earlier in the week. I told Gemma to remember, her teacher is also a wife and a mother of four children - her evenings are busy. However, she found time to come to the show - and Gemma couldn't have been happier.
Here is a photo from the end of the tap dance. Gemma is the pink girl in the middle.
At the end of the evening Gianna stood still long enough for me to get a photo of her with Bamma.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Gemma's Recital

Here is the video from Gemma's ballet recital last night. I apologize for the poor quality - I couldn't figure out how to "fix" the lighting issue.

Gemma is in the front row and is the first to stand - that way you can follow her.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Last Few Days

I will (try) do the abbreviated recap of the past few days.

Saturday we had a great day. We celebrated Spencer's birthday with our family. The weather started out questionable (thunderstorms!!!), but by 2pm, the sun was shining and all was well!

We had a great time and planned on going to MagiQuest on Sunday (as part of his gift); however Gianna changed those plans for me around 3:45am Sunday morning. She had been up three times by that time. And each time was challenging to get her back to sleep. She was able to tell me at one point it was her ear.

However, Sunday wasn't a complete bust - Judy took the kids to the Science Museum (something she has been wanting to do, but timing wasn't working!) and I took Gianna to urgent care. After an hour in the waiting room, it was confirmed that she has a double ear infection.

Monday we woke up to Spencer's actual birthday. He opened his gifts from David and me (Lego stuff and Star Wars t-shirts) He really liked his card - it was a Star Wars card David found at Hallmark.

On Tuesday, Gianna and I went to the Children's Museum. It wasn't too crowded and I just followed Gianna from each room and let her play at her leisure. Here she is testing her latest creating in the kitchen.
The rooftop was open and this was Gianna's first time. She had fun "painting" the rocks with water. We ate lunch in the lunchroom again and the came home for our afternoon nap.
And that brings us to today, Wednesday. A nothing exciting day. I took the minivan in to get the air-conditioner fixed ($600) and discovered the lawnmower is not working properly. UGGG! But on a positive note, I got this really cute photo of Gianna riding in the backseat of Evelyn's car.

Monday, May 24, 2010

8 Years Old

Dear Spencer,

Today you turn 8 years old. It feels like just yesterday daddy and I were driving to the hospital on a beautiful spring morning to have you. We were so excited to meet the new baby we were about to add to our family.

When you were born and they said "It's a boy!", I was a little nervous. I had never taken care of a little boy! But once the nurse put you in my arms, I was no longer worried - just completely and totally in love with the second boy to steal my heart (the first being your daddy, obviously!).

You are such a smart, sweet, loving and imaginative boy. And you have inherited some of you daddy's gentlemanly qualities. : )

I am so proud of the young man you are growing into and I'm so proud to be your mommy!

I love you!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Talent Show

Here are some photos from the talent show on Friday.
Here is my little dancer during her afternoon performance.
Bamma and Gemma - before the morning performance.
Gianna came to show her support for her big sister. Gianna was a wonderful audience member - she lasted the whole show - 90 minutes!!!
Nonna and Grandpa came for the afternoon performance. Edmee and Evelyn came too, but snuck out after Gemma's number.
Look - I was there too!

I know I said it in my last post, but I have to say it again...I am so proud of Gemma! She put this dance together all by herself. She went on stage in front of literally a few hundred people and danced her little heart out!

Gemma - I admire your confidence - I hope and pray you keep that always!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Gemma's Performance

Here is video of Gemma's talent show performance this afternoon. This dance was entirely choreographed by her! I am sooooo proud of my little girl!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This morning, Gianna decided to have breakfast outside. I thought it was a great idea!
I don't know what she is doing in this photo. Unfortunately, I couldn't get her to just smile for me!
I thought this was a cute one; she was putting her hand up to her ear to hear a siren that was in the neighborhood.

I mentioned last week that Gemma was getting new glasses. Actually, just new lenses.
Well, they arrived today. And she was so excited about the new feature! (They turn into sun-glasses)

Monday, May 17, 2010


Picture this....

It's a beautiful spring morning and a thirty-something mom (35 to be exact), is driving down the road with the windows open and the radio on full blast (no kids in the car) listening to the Foo-Fighters. It wasn't until she (I) was at a stoplight that she realized how ridiculous she (I) must have looked. However - she didn't care - she (I) turned the radio louder and drummed on the steering wheel!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lunch and a Show

This afternoon the kids, Bamma and I went to see the play "CLICK, CLACK, MOO - Cows That Type". This is a story that Spencer read in Readers Theater at school. When he heard that the play was showing, he asked to go - I couldn't think of a reason to say no - so off we went!

Attempting to take a group shot before we left for lunch and show.
We found the theater and had plenty of time for lunch. And that meant plenty of time for photos. Again, my subjects weren't cooperating, so I did the best I could.

Gianna refused to look at the camera - so here she is with a mouthful of chocolate milk and me.

We had great seats - 2nd row of the balcony. I think these were much better than sitting on the main floor. Plus there were only 2 rows in our section, so we didn't feel crowded. I was concerned about Gianna sitting for the show - it was listed as an all ages show running 66 minutes. I couldn't have asked for better behavior - she was awesome!
And here we are after the show. I was hoping to get a group shot - but it wasn't meant to be. Gianna was beyond tired and Gemma and Spencer were complaining that the sun was in their eyes. Aside from the lack of great photos - we had a fun afternoon and Spencer is already asking when we'll be attending our next show!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Art Class and Coffee

Today was Gianna's last day of art class. (I've blogged about it here, here and here.) She has loved each and every class.
Gianna's favorite has to be glitter and glue. But today she tried something for the first time....
Finger painting! I've tried to get her to do it in the past, but she always wants to use a stick or brush. Not just her hands. However, for some reason today, she wanted to give it a try. And she loved it!
I don't know if we'll do it again in the fall - technically she'll be old enough to go to pre-school! Yikes!
Since it was Friday, we decided to head over to Bamma's house after school. No visit would be complete (for Gianna) without sitting down and enjoying a cup of coffee. (Actually for Bamma and Gianna it's more like milk and sugar with a splash of coffee!) My 2 1/2 year old loves to have coffee with Bamma and Titi (Evelyn wasn't home tonight though).

Thursday, May 13, 2010

+ or -

Yesterday morning, Gemma woke up complaining about her throat hurting. I had her drink some water and then I asked her about 45 minutes later how it felt. It still hurt. I gave her Tylenol, crossed my fingers and sent her to school. The first words when I saw her after school were, "Mom, my throat really hurts." So off we went to the clinic. (visit #2 this week for those counting) The rapid test came back negative (yeah!), but now we're waiting for a call from the clinic to see if culture is either positive or negative.

Please, oh please be negative!

Spencer woke up this morning complaining about his throat.....

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Keep Your Hands to Yourself!

I thought this was cute and worth sharing.

Eye Doctor

Gemma started wearing glasses in November. In February, she started complaining that she couldn't see as clearly as she had been. After several scheduling issues, we finally made it to the eye doctor. And sure enough - Gemma's prescription is only 6 months old and already changed! Fortunately, we can use the same frames - however the new lenses are $150. Oh well, that's the price for vision!

After the appointment, it was too early to get Spencer from school, but not enough time to go home and unload. So we went to Sonic and had slushies while we waited in the parking lot for Spencer. Overall, a successful afternoon!

Monday, May 10, 2010

I ♥ ebay

I bought all this loot for $19.25! Not too shabby! (four books are missing - I'm letting Spencer get a head start!)

I'm starting to stock-pile items for our impending road trips this summer. Fortunately Gemma and Spencer love to read!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fun Weekend

Here is the weekend recap....

We decided to head out for a day of fun. Originally, we were going to go to the zoo, but the weather wasn't cooperating. So after a late breakfast/early lunch at Perkins, we decided to go to the Children's Museum.

The happy gang - Gianna didn't want to stay still.
Gemma in the Children of Hangzhou exhibit.
Spencer in the grocery store.
Gemma, David and Gianna working together.
Gianna serving me tea at the restaurant.

After a few hours at the museum we decided to head over to Bamma's house (which is within walking distance). Edmee, Allison and Emelia were visiting too. I wish Emelia lived closer - the girls are only four months apart and would have a blast together!

Watching Dora.

As dinner time was approaching, David suggested Chuck E Cheese. I wasn't excited about it, but knew the kids would love it. Edmee, Allison and Emelia came too. Gemma was a great help with taking Emelia and Gianna in the giant gerbil cage (that's what I call the play structure). Spencer helped too, but I think was a little impatient and wanted to go on his own. Ultimately, the kids had fun - the grown-ups on the other hand were a little frazzled. It was extremely busy (tons of kids) and loud. I didn't even bother with the camera.

Because of our crazy day, Gianna had a hard time going to sleep Saturday night. After two hours of sleeping, she woke up screaming. For over an hour. I gave her ibuprofen and decided to take her to urgent care in the morning. I was concerned it was her ears and didn't want to have two bad nights in a row.
Here we are Sunday morning at the clinic. Fortunately both of her ears are perfectly clear. I guess her disrupted sleep really had to do with a very busy day that just wore her out!

After the clinic we went to David's parents house for a little while.
Here are some photos from the backyard.
I love Spencer's expression. He really wasn't in the mood for pictures.
And here is our family photo. Aside from my ridiculous smile and Gianna's eyes being closed, it's not too shabby! It was a great weekend!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dancing Queen

Gianna wanted to wear a "tu-tu" (her word for a dress) this evening. I decided to break out one of Gemma's old dance costumes. Gianna LOVED it!
She definitely was in the mood to perform!

Gemma's dance recital is at the end of the month - I have a feeling I'm going to be running interference between Gianna and the stage!
This fall, Gianna will be starting dance as well - next spring she'll be in HER first recital! Time is going too fast!!!