Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cabin Weekend

This past weekend we went to my friend's cabin.  (Click here to see last years visit)  The weather was perfect for swimming, boating and relaxing.  I didn't take as many photos as last year, but you can see we enjoyed ourselves.  I even was persuaded to go tubing!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


David and I had a double-date that I will NEVER forget.  So when coming up with ideas of what to do, I said "surprise me"......little did I know how surprised I would be.  

First we had a very nice dinner (thanks C&D for treating us!) and then it was on to the surprise.  David had told Chris and Dominick ahead of time, so I was the only one in the dark.  

Imagine my "surprise" when we pulled into the parking lot and I saw this sign.  I was speechless.  

This is my "really?" face.  David looks rather pleased with himself - clearly he hadn't thought about the potential of sleeping on the couch at this point.  :)

Unfortunately, they only sold beer and soda.  I really needed a drink, but I quickly realized I would have to watch wrestling while completely sober.

I then decided to take the "When in Rome" attitude.  During half-time / intermission or what ever the heck it's called, the wrestlers came out to take photos and sign autographs.  I didn't care about autographs, but I thought it would be a fun/good way to document the evening.  And yes, I know I look ridiculous (and possibly Asian), but I couldn't get over the fact that I was posing with a nearly naked man (that wasn't my husband!) and had less body hair than me.

I kinda got over the nearly naked thing.  Actually, this guy actually put shorts on over his wrestling undies.  Thank goodness!

I don't know what this is about, but Chris and I were enjoying ourselves at this point.  Or maybe someone asked to see my tonsils, I can't remember.

Group shot.  David had the camera and cut his own face out.  We always have fun with C&D, even if the fun is at my expense!

Not a great photo of us, but it was better than the first of us taken at the event!  At least I'm smiling!  :)

But once we got outside, I let David know how I felt about the surprise date!  Just kidding.  Yes it was a surprise and one that I would have never guessed.  But we still had fun - and I can cross attending a pro-wrestling event off of my bucket list!  Oh wait, it was NEVER on the list!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July

Since the 4th of July falls in the middle of the week, we're not doing anything big.  We're not even seeing fireworks!  What party-poopers!  Here are the 2011 , 2010,  and 2009 posts.  It's fun to see how the kids have changed over the years.