Thursday, April 30, 2009

Face Painting

I apologize for the poor quality of the photos - I had to use my cell phone.

Tonight, Gianna had her face painted for the first time. We were really surprised that she stayed still; I think it helped that David held the mirror for her to see herself.
She was very patient and looovvvved watching herself. When it was done, she kissed herself in the mirror!

And now, Gianna is proudly showing off her flower!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy...

You would have been 80 years old today.
I miss you.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Musical Prodigy (maybe not)

Gianna has figured out how to "play" the harmonica. I especially like how she vocalizes as she plays!


Guess who lost a tooth!!!!

Spencer finally lost his first tooth! When Spencer woke up this morning - he found $2.00 under his pillow!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yard Work

This is why David and I wanted children....

OK, not really! This is just one of the benefits!
Gemma and Spencer were amazing helpers in the yard yesterday! Gianna helped too!

After spending a good portion of the day outside - we decided a dinner at Applebee's was in order. This is just before we left for the restaurant....are they cute or what!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

School Photos

The kids have photos taken twice a year - fall and spring. The fall is more traditional - just a grey or beige background. However, they jazz things up a little in the spring with these backgrounds.
I can't believe how grown-up Gemma is looking. She's lost the "little girl" look!

Here is my handsome boy - he too is looking so big! Time goes by too quickly - he'll be 7 next month!!!

Doctor Visit

This post is mostly for me...but I'll share with you too! Today we went to Gianna's 18 month appointment (about 1 month late) at our new clinic. While David was filling out the necessary paperwork (he's in the background), Gianna and I sat at the children's table and read books.
(Note the Fairy Wings...Gemma put those on her before we left the house! I thought they were an adorable addition to the outfit!)

Here is Gianna waiting to be seen by the doctor. She decided to have a little snack while waiting!
I didn't take any "during" photos of her exam - everything went really well. She weighs 29 lbs and is 34 inches tall! She is growing like a weed and is perfectly healthy - thank God.

Here is my littlest princess just minutes after getting 2 shots! She did great and most importantly - David and I really like the clinic and the doctor. This was definitely a great move for us!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Supervision Required

This is what happens when you leave your purse within reach of an 18 month old while you are downstairs in the laundry room. (or on the computer.)

It's pretty sad when my first thought was to take a photo instead of taking the lipstick out of her hands!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New playground!

Our neighbor has a 2 year-old grandson and for Easter he received a playground.

Gianna and I decided to go check it out!

It's the perfect size for her....if only it interested her long enough to stay out of the dirt! :)

Girly-girl or tomboy?

This is Gianna's preferred activity. I try to take her for a walk in the yard or to play on the swing set, but she always ends up back in the dirt....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

The children woke up this morning to treats from the Easter Bunny.

While tucking Gemma and Spencer into bed last night - Gemma was asking if they had been "good enough" for the Easter Bunny. I told her I thought so, but we'd only know for sure in the morning....

They each got a few pieces of candy and a couple of small toys. Gianna got these really cool crayons from Crayola and a dum-dum lolly pop.

After 4 hours, I finally had everyone bathed and dressed and ready to head out to Gino and Linda's house for Easter dinner. Once we arrived, the kids found out the Easter Bunny had left baskets for them there too! And there was an Easter egg hunt! What fun!!!

Here is Gemma searching for eggs.

Spencer looked so handsome in his pink Lacoste shirt...I found it at a thrift store for $1.99!!!

Once Gianna found an egg, she wanted to open it and eat the contents immediately!

After all the eggs were found, I was able to round up the kids for a photo...they look so sweet!

We had a wonderful Easter with family - the only one missing was David, but he'll be home on Friday! Yeah!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Birthday Girl

Today, Gemma received flowers from her daddy for her birthday. David is unfortunately not able to celebrate with her because he of his 2-week annual tour. He had a talk with Gemma about a month ago to let her know that he wouldn't be here on her birthday, but we would celebrate it early . Gemma was fine with this, but David was not. He decided the best thing he could do was send his little girl flowers. (Whoever tries to date and marry this girl is going to have some big shoes to attempt to fill!)

Gemma is so lucky (so are Spencer and Gianna)....she has the best daddy in the world!

Happy Birthday Gemma!!!

On April 10, 2001 at 11:37 pm - David and I were blessed with the arrival of this precious little girl. We named her Gemma Marie.

Here she is on her first birthday...just 6 weeks later, she became a big sister!

This is Gemma on her 3rd birthday.

In the summer of 2006, Gemma went to the zoo with her cousins. She makes an adorable tiger!

Here is Gemma in December when we went to Macy's annual Christmas display.

Daddy and I love you so much and we are so proud of you. You are a sweet, kind and generous little girl and we want you always to know how special you are.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

102.1 and a snowman

Poor Gemma woke up this morning with a temperature of 102.1! Fortunately, she started feeling better after I gave her some ibuprofen. By 10am - she was up and playing - and I continued the Tylenol/ibuprofen schedule until bedtime. Here she is this morning laying on the couch. (I'm pretty sure she'll be able to go to school tomorrow.) While Gemma was recovering on the couch, Spencer went outside to play in the snow. I'm glad I took the photos while he was outside; by 3pm - all the snow had melted! Hopefully we won't see anymore until next fall!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Gemma's Birthday Party

Gemma's had her bowling birthday party today. She turns 8 on Friday!!! Where has the time gone???

Anyway, here are a few photos of our afternoon. We really had a great time!

Gemma and daddy sharing a quick snuggle!

This is when we first arrived to the bowling alley. Joshua (in the middle) is our nephew and lives in the suburbs. I have no idea what it up with the signs he is "throwing"....

Here is Gemma with some friends from school.

Mommy and her girl!

After bowling we went to Gemma's favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner and then back to our house for cake and ice cream. Here is Gemma with Melissa, Abe and Baby Abe.

Here is Gemma with grandpa and nonna. My mom left early and I didn't get a pic with her...I'll have to do it next week! Anyway - we had a great day and it was great spending it with friends and family.

The playground

Here are a few pictures of Gianna at the playground. I'm finally realizing and coming to terms with the fact that my baby is really a toddler....