Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Today I turn 37.  I still feel 17.  That's a good thing, right?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Science Fair - 2012

Way back in January the children participated in the science fair.  Gemma and Spencer decided to work on a project together.  David was rather relieved, since he is the official project assistant!  (Here are the posts for the 2011 and 2010 science fairs.)

The kids decided to do a project on Oobleck.  The did a great job working together.  
So great in fact, they won an award for "Best Research Project".  David and I (as always) are very proud of our little scientists! 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Science Fair - 2009

****This post was saved in my drafts and I just noticed it!  This is from the 2009 Science Fair!  Gemma was in first grade and Spencer was just a kindergartner!!!!***

This posting is about 3 weeks late due to technical difficulties...(I was having issues getting the pics from David's cell phone onto the computer). Anyway - Gemma and Spencer participated in the science fair this year. Gemma's project was called "Your Epidermis Is Showing" and Spencer's was "What are Fossils?"

David and Gemma spent about 5 hours one Saturday afternoon working on her project. Even though David was involved, it was totally Gemma's project. Her focus was on "prune hands" and what causes them. She did a great job and I'm so proud of her!

Spencer started out really excited about the science fair, but once it was time to work on the project...not so much. He was involved, but it was like pulling teeth! When it was said and done, Spencer said he was glad he participated. Next year, he and David are going to make a steam engine!

At the end of the evening awards were given for Best Question, Best Presentation (during the day each child had to present their project to a judge) and Best Overall Project. Gemma won Best Overall Project!! I was so proud of her! Prior to the awards being given out, two teachers told me how impressed they were with her presentation! Spencer however didn't win an award this year; he was a little disappointed, but I reminded him how proud I was of him and that he should be proud of himself too!
It should be noted that Spencer did score very well in the judging - 18 out of 20 points!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Where The Hell Have I Been?

So, because the two people who read my blog regularly, complain about my lack of posting, I thought I would surprise them and update the blog.

October was a busy month for us. And an expensive month. In lieu of a Disney trip we opted for new siding. Four days in Disney would have been cheaper.

November was an awful month for us. David's mom died rather suddenly. Dealing with the stress of a hospitalization, a terminal cancer diagnosis and her passing only 2 weeks later put blogging on the bottom of my list of things to do.

However, I think I'm ready to get back to it.

Here are a few photos from the past few months.

The before photo. Complete with pumpkins and Gianna!
After photo - only missing Gianna.
A beautiful fall day at the zoo.

Gemma earned a literacy award in October.

Finally had our family photos done (LOVE THEM), but have yet to order them.
Cousins - at Halloween
The entire clan - we had our last Sunday dinner just 5 days after mom passed.
Gianna being cute at her pre-school Christmas program.
Our annual Christmas tradition - the Macy's display in Minneapolis.
Gianna writing her letter to Santa.
Her adorable little girl hands.
David and the boys at the pinewood derby races. Joshua finished 2nd and Spencer in 5th place.
David and Judy at Amanda's confirmation. David was her sponsor.
Spencer earned a literacy award in February.

That will have to do for now - I promise not to take another four months to update. :)