Sunday, February 28, 2010

Funny Face

Gianna decided to wear goggles during her bath this morning. I couldn't help but smile (actually, laugh).

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Gemma and Spencer had a friend over for the day. Since the weather was so nice (in the 30's) the kids spent quite a bit of time enjoying the sunshine.
Here are Spencer and his friend having a light-saber fight (Star Wars).

Gemma was waiting until her turn to get into the "fight".
They even had a little light-saber so Gianna wouldn't feel left out! Though she quickly lost interest when she couldn't hold onto the sword.
I think this is when the boys were deciding which character they were going to play....

After watching the kids "fight" for a little while, Gianna decided to go to the playground and slide.
She needed a little help climbing up the ladder. I guess being bundled with the boots, snow-pants and coat made mobility a little difficult for her!
After about half an hour, Gianna and I went into the house for a snack. Overall the kids had a great day just playing outside and playing together.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Embrace Life

I received this in an email and thought it was worth posting.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Her Big Sister

Last night as I was heading to bed, I stopped to check on Gianna. She usually kicks off her blanket, so I always "re-tuck". Just as I finished, she rolled over and in a sleepy but happy tone exclaimed, "Gemma!" I froze, thinking I woke her up. But after calling for her sister, she stayed sleeping. (Thank goodness!)

I can only assume Gianna was dreaming of some silly and fun game that Gemma was playing with her. Maybe they were having a tea-party (a favorite), maybe playing house or jumping off the couch. Either way, Gianna was having happy thoughts of her big sister.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Birthday Dinner

Even thought David isn't home (Navy stuff) to celebrate his birthday, didn't mean we couldn't! We had risotto with asparagus and chicken at Gemma's request. It's not David's favorite meal - that would be lasagna - but it's something he does enjoy.

Here is the his cake. I didn't have 39 candles nor would I have put 39 candles on the cake even if I did. I decided to make a symbolic gesture - one candle for each of us. Clearly my lack of cake decorating skills are obvious. They make it look so easy on Ace of Cakes!

David's preferred flavor of cake is lemon - however, I am the only other person in the house willing to eat that. So, in his absence, we had a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting. The children all approved my choice of flavor.

It would have been much better to be together, but I think we did all right considering the situation.

We love you so much David! The kids are so fortunate to have such a loving, caring, fun and devoted daddy. And I know how blessed I am to have you as my husband!

Happy Birthday

Happy 39th Birthday! We love you!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First #2 Then #1


Gianna pooped in the potty!

While standing in the kitchen playing with magnets on the refrigerator, Gianna said she needed to use the bathroom, (she said this in "Gianna speak"). I haven't been actively trying to potty train since the few times I've brought out the chair she didn't seem really interested. Anyway, I ran to the bathroom with her and just as I placed her on the toilet, she did her business!

I was so proud, I screamed and scared her. But she got over it pretty quickly. I decided against taking an "action" photo since I needed to stay with her and leaving to get the camera just didn't seem like a good idea at the time. :)

Then if this wasn't enough....Gianna came to me (as I was typing the poop post) and told me she had to go "pee pee"....again we ran to the bathroom and I placed her on the chair and again she did her business!!!!!

Our plan for today is to stay very hydrated to encourage lots of opportunities to use the potty!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Blue's Clues

Gianna has recently discovered the joys of Blue's Clues. Until this past Sunday, Gianna could only get her "fix" at mom's house since she still has a VCR and has the 2 videos. I finally broke down and bought her a DVD to watch at home. However this evening, I decided to see what was on YouTube.

And sure enough....we found Joe and Blue! So we watched Blue on YouTube for 30 minutes!!!!
Kids these days.....

Monday, February 15, 2010

Science Fair

Last week Gemma and Spencer participated in the science fair at school. Usually David is the one to work on the projects with the kids, but this year it was just me.

Gemma's project was on crystals.

Sugar crystals
Salt Crystals

Spencer's project was on steam engines. He constructed a boat with a candle lit steam engine.

Grandpa, Nona and Bamma came to cheer on the kids and Gianna had a blast running around the gym. Bamma and Nona tried to keep up with her, but she was just too fast! I took this picture during one of the few moments she was still.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Valentine

I love you.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Sarah Kannenberg photography

After tucking Spencer in bed and saying prayers tonight, he asked for an extra hug and kiss. I happily gave in to the request. As he was hugging me, he said in a very excited voice, "I love you so much, that I can't tell you how much I love you!"

The feeling is so mutual Spencer!


In honor of African American month, our school had activities throughout the day for parents to attend in various classrooms. Parents were also invited to have lunch with their children.

I wasn't able to attend the activities, but Gemma convinced me I had to go to lunch...they were serving chocolate cake for dessert! Evelyn came and stayed with Gianna and I was able to have one on one time with Gemma and Spencer.

I arrived in time to have lunch with Gemma first. It was so strange to be standing in line with a bunch of 3rd graders - everything was definitely made at kid level! But it was so fun to have her "show" me the way!

After a delightful lunch of fish sticks, macaroni and cheese, carrot sticks and chocolate cake, I kissed my little girl good-bye and met up with Spencer for his lunch. (Gemma eats at 11:35 and Spencer at 12:05). Spencer and I chatted while he ate and he introduced me to some of his lunch buddies. When it was time for dismissal, Spencer showed me how to properly dispose of my tray.

It was only 30 minutes with each child, but it was so nice to be able to give my undivided attention to them. I need to do this more often.

Six Down - Six To Go

Sarah Kannenberg photography

Monday, February 8, 2010


After I get Gianna all snug in her crib for bed, I always say "Good night, I love you".

She usually responds with "Love you! Sleep tight!" And I say "Love you too! Sweet dreams!" To which Gianna says "sweet dreams!"

However, she added one more thing this evening...."Thanks for dinner!" I couldn't believe what I heard! A two-year old being thankful for her dinner at bedtime. It made me smile. I said "You're welcome. Love you!"

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Gemma's Science Project

Gemma would like to share her science project on the blog. The following is from Gemma.

I am a doing a science expeirement on crystals. We started growing crystals on Saturday. My project looks almost finished, but it's not. We're still waiting on the sugar and the salt crystals. We have lots to do!!!

Here are pictures of some crystals I grew yesterday.

This is before. Mom and I added the liquid that came with the kit.
This is after 6 hours of growing. I'm down to only 4 trees. The crystals are very delicate and break easily. Luckily I'm saving the scraps that fall off.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Home Alone

This is what happens to Bamma's house when she's not there.

No worries - we picked up before we left.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Night Dinner

I thought it would be nice to go out for dinner since it was Friday night. (Honestly, it was an excuse for me not to cook and to get out of the house.)

We went to Denny's - kids choice - and had a nice time.

What a happy face!
Portrait by GIANNA!
Portrait by GIANNA!

Cute story - while at dinner a family sat a few tables away. They had a little boy that was maybe 12 - 18 months old. As soon as Gianna noticed him, she kept talking to him. "Hi, boy!" Then she would turn to me and tell me how cute he was!

My job was to keep her focused on her food, but she would quickly forget what I said and start talking to the little guy. The next thing she did was introduce herself. With her hand on her chest she was say "Me Nana (Gianna). You name? Me Nana, you name?" Fortunately it was time for us to leave. I can't believe how forward she was - shouldn't the boy initiate the conversation??? Maybe I'm just old-fashioned! ; )

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sweets From My Sweetie

Today I received this....(along with a beautiful card)Yummy chocolates - all hand chosen just for me in flavors I love.
It's a good thing I have my Sweetie's gift ready!

Monday, February 1, 2010

So Proud

I'm not surprised (Spencer has had this honor each year since kindergarden!), but very proud!
Way to go Spencer!!!!