Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Spencer Goes Kite Flying

While Gemma was at soccer practice, Spencer decided to enjoy some kite flying.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Birthday Girl!

The birthday girl in her birthday girl shirt!

Happy Birthday, Gianna!

On September 28, 2007, David and I welcomed our littlest princess into the world and haven't had a moments rest since!

Happy birthday Gianna Grace! We love you so much!!!!

Just minutes old - meeting mommy

3 months

5 months (first vacation in Puerto Rico)

1st birthday!

18 months old

2 years!!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Flying a Kite

It was a very breezy day, so Gemma decided to fly a kite in our yard. Once Gianna saw her big sister, she had to get involved! So the girls took turns running and trying to get their kite to take flight.

Gemma would run ahead of Gianna, so Gianna would "chase" her. Here is Gemma cheering her on. The little girl actually got the kite to fly.

Here is Gianna trying to watch her kite fly as she runs!

And finally, we have lift off!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Gianna's Birthday Party

Our littlest princess will be two years old on Monday. To celebrate the happy occasion, we had a family gathering in our back yard. The weather was beautiful and the children enjoyed the fresh air. Because the photographer (me) gets a little too focused on her main subject, the photographer failed to get any photos of any guests. She, I mean I, need to work on that!! Spencer and Gianna swinging. Can you almost hear the laughing?
Gianna and Baby Abe. He doesn't really trust her. She tends to be a little too touchy-feely!

Gianna and Melissa. She enjoyed the singing and blew out the candles! (With a little help from Gemma and Spencer!)

Enjoying cake and ice cream, all by herself!

My apologies to - Grandpa, Nona, Bamma, Titi, Abe, Chris, Larry and Vonne for not getting any photos of you with the birthday girl! Thank you for sharing this special day with us!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Messy Fingers and Toes

It's all in the title!

Gianna and I just completed our first of six "mommy and me" classes called "Messy Fingers and Toes". She had so much fun and I was so relieved because I didn't have to clean any of the mess!!!

It's a very casual environment - the class is open for children ages 1 to5, but I think the average age was 2. Perfect for Gianna. She played with play dough, glue and glitter, paint and then spent quite a bit of time in the water bucket.

The instructor is a mom with two school age children and a 2 1/2 year old. She plans on having three to four different activities each week to keep the kids entertained and interested. And since this class is in a community center, we happen to be there during open gym time; which means, if Gianna loses interest in her art class or is still in the mood to play after class, we can walk over to the gym to burn off some energy!

On the way home she was VERY quiet - so we hurried into the house for a quick lunch and she was sound asleep in her crib by 11:45! A perfect morning.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Gemma's Soccer Game

Gemma's soccer games are played at a field 20 minutes from home. Tonight, her game was held at a field that's only 5 minutes away - so some special people came to watch!

Gemma's Hair

This is how Gemma's hair looked on Saturday afternoon. The woman who braided it said to use an old pair of panty-hose as a cap for sleeping. That way, she could get another day or two with the braid. Well, I haven't had an office job in over 7 years - I haven't worn pantyhose in over 8 years! Once I was pregnant with Gemma, I switched to knee-highs and trouser socks. Oh - and post pregnancy, SPANX. I digress.

Gemma came up with a wonderful solution to the no pantyhose problem...

Here is my little girl sleeping with her winter hat! And you know what, it worked! She went to school today with the braid still in tact - for the most part. I did tell her that after soccer tonight, I think it's best we take it out and wash her hair!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Fun Day

Today was a fun day for all of us.

Gemma went to the renaissance festival with mom and Edmee. Mom decided that Gemma needed a costume for the event - and here is Gemma in all of her maiden glory. Doesn't she look adorable!

While Gemma was enjoying her day, Spencer and I had a "date" at Legoland. A proper date always includes a meal, so we had lunch at......McDonalds. (I know, what a shock!)

Here we are just before leaving Legoland. You can't tell in the photo, but Spencer had been asking me for quite some time to stop taking pictures!

And we can't forget about Gianna - she was having a fun afternoon with Evelyn. They spent 2 hours having lunch, playing at the playground and going for a walk. I don't know who was more tired when they returned! This photo of Gianna is after her time with Evelyn, a bath and a nap. I forgot to take one of she and Evelyn together!!!

You may recognize this little girl - it's Gemma, post-renaissance fair. Apparently the original costume was a bit warm for the 80' day we had. So, bamma decided to buy ANOTHER costume at the festival!!!!! Gemma also got a new headpiece, her hair braided, her face painted, a ring and two necklaces. Mom and Edmee said she really enjoyed herself (I would too if other people were financing my entertainment!) and they are looking forward to taking her again next year.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Big Sister

Gemma is a wonderful big sister. Since she and Spencer are so close in age, I didn't realize how truly wonderful she would be with Gianna. I was nervous about the age difference originally - Gemma and Spencer were 6 and 5 when the littlest princess arrived. But both children have really impressed me! (For the record, Spencer is an awesome big brother!) Gemma loves to play with Gianna - I was able to get a few photos from their last make-believe session.

Apparently in their little imagination scenario, it was winter - and Gianna allowed Gemma to dress her accordingly. The girls spent at least 20 minutes playing and talking (really Gemma talking and Gianna following along.)

Every time Gemma got Gianna "dressed", Gianna would begin to "undress". Gemma must have replaced the hat, mittens and scarf at least a dozen times. I was amazed Gianna agreed to it!

At one point in the story, they were drinking hot chocolate. Gianna was blowing on her cup to cool it off! Too cute!
Even though the girls have a six year age difference, I think they'll still be the best of friends!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Baby Abe's First Birthday

By morning we were playing soccer, but by afternoon we were celebrating Abraham's 1st birthday. It was actually the 9th, but Melissa and Abe had a little party for him in the park on Saturday.
Here are Baby Abe and grandma. He had just woken from a nap.
This was the highlight of the park for the kids - the train! Gianna would just sit in it and say "choo-choo, choo-choo" over and over again. It was pretty cute.
I like how Gianna is looking at Bamma in the photo.
Gianna doesn't really like sharing her Titi, so she kept close tabs on her whenever Baby Abe was near. I think she would have preferred anyone else holding him!
Here is the birthday boy on his gift from us. It's a little fire engine - and makes noise!! I'm sure the parents will love it!! ;)
Gianna and Bamma enjoying the swing.
Again, Gianna sticking close to Titi.
And finally cake time! Baby Abe didn't do much eating of the cake - mostly he just played with the frosting. Either way, it was a wonderful afternoon to spend with family and to celebrate this special day for this very special little boy!

On a side note - both Gemma and Spencer were at the party, I just did a very poor job of capturing them while enjoying the park. :( I'll make up for it in the next post!

Spencer's Soccer Game

Spencer had his first soccer game on Saturday - and we couldn't have asked for better weather! It was sunny and in the 70's by game time - 10am.

While watching the kids warm-up, I got a little nervous when I saw Spencer in the goals. He wasn't going be stopping any goals like that! Quikly his attitude changed once the whistle was blown signaling the beginning of the game. Spencer isn't a very aggressive child, but boy, when the ball was near him - he was running!

After a few minutes on the field and an attempted goal, he and a teammate sat on the sidelines resting and watching the game go on. At this age, the kids play two 20 minutes halves with a 10 minute half-time.
While her brother was hard at work on the field, Gianna was in the neighboring baseball diamond passing the time and Gemma was at the playground.

Spencer did great and I was so happy to see him excited to play. He never passed up an opportunity when the ball was in his area and on a few occasions he brought the ball all the way up the field attempting to score! I guess the only thing we need to really work on is his goalie abilities! :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

Today marks the first day of 2nd grade for Spencer and 3rd grade for Gemma. Where does the time go???
Here are the kids before leaving for school - notice the head next to Gemma? That's Gianna - I couldn't get a decent picture of all three together, so this will have to do.

My little girl has a locker!
And here is my littlest princess after school. She decided to "drive" to pick up the kids!

And here we are - reunited! Gemma and Spencer had a great day. It looks like we're off to a good start for the new school year!