Sunday, June 28, 2009

Productive Weekend

***Photos courtesy of Gemma and her Fisher Price camera*****

We had a productive and fun weekend.

On Saturday we worked on some odds and ends around the house (we always have odds and ends to work on!) and went to a graduation party. On Sunday we had our family pictures taken (I can't wait to see them!) and then David took Gemma and Spencer fishing. Gianna and I decided to stay home this time and I'm glad we did - they were gone for over 2 hours!!!!

Here are pics of Spencer and me while on our family photo shoot. It was so incredibly windy today - I don't know if my face will actually be seen in any photos! I'm afraid I'm going to be looking like "Cousin It" from the Adamms Family!
David and the kids called Chris (Gianna's Godfather) to see if he wanted to come to the fishing hole and visit - it's a short walk/ride from his house. Chris must have been good luck - Spencer stopped counting after 14 and Gemma had six - not too shabby! Grandpa and Nonna came down for a visit - but Gemma was too busy fishing at the time to get a photo - maybe next time!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Gemma and Spencer had VBS this week - only 2 weeks into summer vacation and they were already bored, so timing couldn't have been better! They had a great time and came home each day with a craft and a lesson to share with the family. It dawned on me this the time Gianna is able to attend VBS, Gemma will be (almost) old enough to be a group!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's day continued

Today was a relaxing and somewhat lazy day. Gianna started with a runny nose a few days ago, but yesterday she seemed to be showing more signs of allergies - runny nose, watery / itchy eyes and sneezing up a storm. She was pretty irritable and took her afternoon nap at 9:30am. To top that off, sleeping was done in increments of 45 to 90 minutes. I took the first shift and then David took her from 2:30am until morning - actually daylight. I woke up at 9:00am (I should be ashamed to have slept that late on Father's Day!) and headed straight to the living room to see Gemma watching cartoons, Gianna playing with her toys and David sound asleep on the couch. I took a picture of David sleeping, but thought better than to post it!

After taking some benydryl and a nap - Gianna joined David, Gemma and Spencer in a couple of rounds of Candy Land.

We then headed over to Grandpa and Nonna's house and visited with the "M" side. Two of David's brothers were over - so lots of talking and laughing was had. (Though I didn't take any photos....why not?)

After our visit, David wanted to go to Outback Steakhouse for dinner - however we ended up at Applebee's. (David thought expecting the children to patiently wait 45 minutes for their dinner was too much!) Ignore the lack of smile - David was actually enjoying himself very much!

See how miserable my little girl looks! Her eyes and nose just wouldn't stop running!

Me and my other favorite guy!

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's day to the wonderful man I married! Love you!!

April 09
Feb 09

Dec 08
Aug 08
Feb 08

Feb 08

May 07
Dec 06

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Libby's Grad Party

Today we went to Libby's (our niece) Hawaiian themed grad party. The weather was gorgeous; maybe a little hotter than I would like, but why complain? Gemma and Spencer had fun playing with Joshua (our nephew), and Gianna had fun running everywhere with me 2-steps behind! The food was delicious - and plentiful!

Here are my beauties upon arriving to the party. I love Spencer's hat - we bought it last year in Puerto Rico and he loves wearing it! He likes to be like his dad!

Here is the beautiful graduate!

Libby and Nonna.

Gianna and Libby.

Gianna and daddy - it was too cute for me not to post!

My crew with Joshua.

Me and my baby girl.

John, Libby and Judy (proud parents of the graduate!)

Libby, Jill, Nonna and Jackie (our nieces)

Friday, June 19, 2009


Today the kids, Edmee and I spent the day at Lake Elmo. Needless to say - I will not be venturing out there alone with the three children. Gianna is fearless and requires 100% attention at all times. Whenever we were in the water and she spotted Gemma or Spencer, she would try walking out to them! She was very determined.

We had a great day, but next time I definitely need to remember to put sunscreen on ME!

Shame on me for not getting any photos of Edmee with Gianna!

This is what 4 hours at the beach does to Gianna!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Family Day

Today was Family Day at the base. While I had the pleasure of attending spouse meetings, Gemma and Spencer enjoyed many, face painting, WII, jump castles...and Gianna spent time with David. The kids had a blast and more importantly - we were able to spend time together. Here are a few photos of the day.

Friday, June 12, 2009


We are in for trouble....Gianna has learned a new word...."MINE"! And she uses it properly. I'm sure "no" is just around the corner!

Enjoy the video!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Last Day of School (part 2)

The local zoo was offering free rides at the amusement park all this week from 4pm until 7pm. David and I thought it would be a great treat for the kids and a great way to start summer off we went to the zoo.

Gianna has become obsessed with trains...(I think she's taking after her brother.) We weren't on the train more than 30 seconds and it short-circuited. Let's just say Gianna was LESS THAN thrilled about that!

After the ride fiasco, we headed over to the playground. We figured it was the best way to spend the rest of our evening since there was no waiting in lines.

Here is Gianna enjoying one of her favorite pass-times - playing in dirt/gravel.

Overall, we had a great time just being together. I'm looking forward to many more fun outings with my favorite people this summer!

Thank you!

Thank you Mrs. K and family for the great books!

They will definitely be enjoyed!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Last Day of School

Today marks the last day of 1ST grade for Spencer and the last day of 2ND grade for Gemma. Here are my sweeties this morning before school...(notice the cheesy one in the middle!) In the van just before being dropped off....

And here are my 2 rag-a-muffins after school. I can't believe how quickly time is going; if only I could slow things down a little!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Class Picnic

When you're a first grader at our school, you are matched up with a third grade reading buddy. The classes get together a few times a month and the kids read together. To celebrate the end of the school year, both grades get to go on a picnic at the local park. The weather couldn't have been better and Spencer was so excited to have his little sister attend the picnic!

Gianna made friends quickly and really tried to keep up with the big kids! This is Gianna with Spencer's book buddy (I forgot her name!).
Spencer wanted Gianna to meet his teacher, Ms. Vang (she's on the left).
Gianna just wanted to run around and play with the big kids!

The kids stopped playing long enough for me to take a picture. The boy in the middle is Christian - Spencer's best friend!
Finally, here are my two sweeties enjoying a picnic lunch. Shortly after this photo was taken, Gianna and I packed it up and headed home for a 2 1/2 hour nap!