Today, my sweet baby boy turns 7 years old! How does the time fly by so quickly?
We celebrated this special occasion yesterday with a bowling party. Spencer and seven of his friends had a great time!

The bowling alley gives the birthday child a pin for all the friends to sign. Spencer is "personalizing" his!

Here is an "action" shot. Actually, the kids are waiting for David to get someone to fix the score board - I kinda messed up when entering the names....I started the game without entering the names...details details!

Spencer's cool cousin Elizabeth decided the party looked so fun, she had to come and hang-out with us!

Gemma and daddy.

Me with my "baby" boy!

After bowling we had some cheese pizza! Believe it or not - for pizza from a bowling alley, it wasn't too bad!

Spencer wanted a Star Wars cake - and that's exactly I bought for him!

Making a wish!