Saturday, August 30, 2008

Why Not Go To The Zoo?

Our good friends Chris and Dominick (he is behind me in this photo) invited us to tag along to the zoo with some of their friends and we couldn't come up with a good reason not to go. The weather was beautiful and we couldn't have asked for a better day. The kids are definately ending their summer on a high note!

Gianna and I are in the Butterfly Tent in this photo. There were hundreds of butterflies everywhere and the colors were amazing. We had to be very careful to look where we stepped!

Gemma and Spencer thought this was a cute zebra and wanted a photo to remember their visit to the zoo. It also marked the last animal on our visit. They were very eager to hit Como Town and go on the rides!
They had a blast on the rides. They drove the cars below, went on a roller coaster and a few other rides. I can't believe that next summer, Gianna will be going on some of these rides and Gemma and Spencer will be outgrowing others. Time goes by too quickly!!!!
We decided on a last minute bonfire in the backyard. The kids will be going back to school on Tuesday and our schedule will be too busy too soon. Gemma enjoyed a smore while Spencer enjoyed roasting marshmellows for me. Gianna was sound asleep as all this was going on. God willing, she'll be sleeping until tomorrow morning! Wish us well!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Let's Go To The Fair!

It's that time of year! The kids lovvvve going to the state fair - mainly because "Bamma" (my mom) takes them. David and I were fortunate enough to be asked to attend too!

We couldn't have asked for a better day. The sun was shining, the breeze was cool and calm and the temp was perfect. In just 5 days, Gemma and Spencer will be back to school and the lazy days of summer will be a memory. This was the perfect way to end our summer.

Here is Gemma eating the famous Pork Chop-on-a-stick. (For those not familiar with the MN state fair - if it's not served on a stick, it's just not fair food.) A trip to the fair just wouldn't be right without a ride on the big slide!
We had to stop and indulge in a funnel cake. This was about 90 minutes into our day. Once mom was finished with her cake, she was ready to go home. We talked her into staying and finding some more yummy things to eat.
After snacking on the funnel cake, Gianna got some quailty time with Bamma. I wish Gianna's giggles could have been recorded! By the way, my baby girl is 11 months old today!!! Time has gone too fast!
David and Spencer went on the sky glider and took a self-portrait...not too shabby!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gemma and Spencer In A Box!

Last night the kids were playing in the back yard while David was roofing the addition. Gemma and Spencer had a blast playing with a box!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It Was A Fluke....

I spoke too soon. Gianna was up to her old tricks last night. She went to sleep just after 9pm and slept until 2:30 - which isn't bad. However, from 2:30 until I put her in bed with me at 6am she wasn't so easy. Oh well...she should be sleeping through the night by the time she is 12 years old, right?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Long time no post!

Well, not much has happened this past week. We attended a BBQ/birthday party for my best friend Hoa, Saturday evening and had a wonderful time. (I forgot to bring the camera!) The weather was beautiful, the kids had a great time playing outside and David and I enjoyed mojitos with dinner - it was a perfect summer evening.

For those of you unaware of Gianna's poor sleeping habits...she sleeps like s&*t. She is difficult to get to sleep and keeping her asleep is even more challenging. (My motto for the past few months has been, "I can sleep when I'm dead") Any who - she went to sleep last night at 10pm and didn't wake until 6am! When I looked at the clock this morning I couldn't believe my eyes! I haven't been this rested in almost a year! I realize this could be a fluke, but I'll take what I can get.

Here are a few photos of the kids bathing...Gianna took a bath for the first time with Gemma and Spencer. She definitely enjoyed the attention and the company!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Cute photos....

As I was looking at some of the photos we have on the computer (almost 2000 - thank goodness for digital!) I came across a few we took earlier in the summer while at the playground.

I can't believe it's the middle of August; just a few weeks and the kids will be back to school. I must admit, I'm a bit sad. Gemma, Spencer and Gianna are growing so quickly. Gemma will be a 2nd grader, Spencer a 1st grader and Gianna will be celebrating her 1st birthday at the end of September.

This was when Gianna would actually stay on the blanket and leave her hat on! Those were the days!

Here is Gemma showing us how high she can climb - she is so fearless!
Spencer was kind enough to allow me to take this photo before sliding down and chasing his sister. This is the only photo of him where he is not moving!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Irish Festival....a bust

I had this great idea to go to the Irish Festival at Harriett Island with the kids. David was at reserves and it was a beautiful summer day - so why not spend it outside? I even asked my mom if she would like to attend with us. But by the end of the day (which really was only 3 hours at the festival) staying inside may have been a better choice.

We did see some Irish dogs and even got to pet them. They had some puppies for sale, only $800! Of course Gemma spent the rest of the afternoon asking to take one home. I already have 3 kids - I don't need a 4th!!!!!!

However, before everyone started falling apart I snapped a few photos. Here is Gemma enjoying a grape icy while enjoying some shade and listening to some Irish folk music. I realize putting white on a child is a little risky - but I was amazed when she finished eating and there were NO drops of grape icy on her dress!! I tried to get a picture of Spencer, but he wanted nothing to do with posing. That's why this pic is so blurry - I had to get him running. As usual he wanted nothing to eat. (There were no McDonald's at the Irish Festival, go figure!) He still had fun...I think.
Gianna enjoyed the shade and the activity going on around her. She was also enjoying a little lunch until Grandma showed up with Fish and Chips...she couldn't get enough of it! I'm so thankful that she has such an appetite.
After a few minutes in the shade we headed over to the Children's Tent. They had various activities for the children and a story-teller was sharing traditional Irish stories. Spencer saw the balloon animals and decided he needed to have a Green Mamba. I feel it was a dollar well spent. The little guy hasn't let "Tex" (the snake now has a name) out of his sight!
Gemma was a bit more adventurous and went for full face paint. I think she made an adorable little puppy! However this is the end of all the happy faces. I think the combination heat and all the walking got to the children and it went down hill VERY quickly.